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Intelligent Satellite Managed PDU

Control Your Tactical Equipment Beyond Line of Sight Over Secured Satellite IoT Communications .


In the modern battlefield, deployment and control of distanced, unmanned unapproachable electronic devices like cameras, sensors, tapping devices,

jammers, and more is a key capability.


It is an ideal way to manage power distribution for field deployments. With the Intelligent Satellite PDU, you can control devices remotely, giving you more control and flexibility over your data collection and monitoring operations.

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  • Gilat Intelligent Satellite PDUs are Iridium Based - It works anywhere on the planet and can travel between locations without any connectivity loss.

  • A stand-alone independent device that comes with its own network

  • Bulletproof connectivity due to proprietary and very stable service

  • Highly energetic efficiency

  • Control up to 4 power outlets remotely, including operation confirmation feedback.

  • Secured web GUI per user with multiple devices control

  • 2 Way communication Includes one digital input for alerts and telematics

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